Thursday, March 7, 2013

Gaining 'V' Power

After reading this article I asked myself what it would take, and how far would we go to get people to eat less meat? I personally don't agree with using sex-appeal to gain attention to whatever the issue is, but if it keeps a couple thousand people from eating one less serving of meat a day, is it worth it? Marketing tactics for coca-cola or name brand clothes could be very useful for getting people to go with the "V" flow. Think about it, there is a majority, and this majority exists because of advertising and social media. Appearance, attitude, and  lifestyles are all heavily influenced by it and the media is here to stay.  Being a vegetarian, or vegan is slowly but surely becoming a lifestyle and if it's approached the same way we approach buying a pair of Nike's it is highly likely that meat consumption could hit the bottom of the social ladder. So, do you eat meat?


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