Monday, March 4, 2013

Chosen dreams

My best friend got married this weekend, and it made me think of the big picture. It's easy to get caught up in our routines but it's not easy to get out of them and realize what's important, our goals, our dreams, and who we want to be. I created this blog to encourage people, to spark curiosity, and ultimately be a part of this awareness movement of our time. I'm throwing this out into the internet to hopefully be heard by those of you who want to ask more questions but don't know how. I'm not offering any answers, I'm simply stating a piece of my mind to connect with people like you and me who don't just take what's in front of us, but rather question it and choose for ourselves what's best for us. We only live once, let's be the best we can be, the healthiest we can be, and hopefully change the world we live in. One by one. I chose to not eat land animals. I chose to ask questions at the meat market about my seafood. I chose to write this post today. What will you choose?


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